
Function Name
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Special IsUserEmail (Text x) Boolean Returns true if x is the email address of the current user. IsUserEmail("") would return true if John Smith were accessing the table containing the formula field. Display Reference More examples
Type Conversion ToText (<any> x) Text Returns a Text value containing the print representation of the argument x. ToText(3.4) returns "3.4"
ToText(null) returns ""
ToText(true) returns "1"
ToText(Date(2000,12,16)) returns "12-16-2000"
ToText(ToTimeOfDay("4pm")) returns "4:00 pm"
ToText(Hours(2)+Minutes(20)) returns "2:20"
ToText([Date Created]) returns "12-15-2000 10:34 PM"

ToText([Record Owner]) returns the user name or email address of the user who appears in the Record Owner field.

ToText([AssignedTo]), where AssignedTo is a list-user field type, returns a semi-colon separated list of the user names or email addresses of the users  who appear in the AssignedTo field.
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Special ToUser (Text t) User Converts a user name or e-mail address to a user value. A "user" is an individual with whom you've shared your application. You'd translate something like an e-mail address into a user value so that QuickBase recognizes the user. When you do so, you can take advantage of user fields to design permissions and/or views. For example, show a user only those tasks that have been assigned to her. ToUser([Email Address]) takes the values in the Email Address field and returns their corresponding user values.
ToUser("jsmith") returns the user with the user name "jsmith". 
ToUser("") returns the user possessing that e-mail address.  
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Special UserListToEmails (UserList ul) text Returns a semi-colon separated list of email addresses for all the users selected on the User List field. This function won't work for users who have hidden their e-mail address by choosing a screen name. UserListToEmails([Assigned To]) returns the semi-colon separated list of email addresses of the QuickBase users who are part of Assigned To field for a record. Display Reference More examples
Special UserRoles ("ID/Name/Empty") Multi-select Text Returns information about the current user’s role. Use in a Formula Multi-select Text field. UserRoles("ID") returns the role ID. UserRoles("Name") returns the role name. UserRoles(""), or empty, returns the role ID and name in the format ID/name. 

Usage examples, based on the user role, include showing or hiding form elements, validating data, sending a webhook or email notification, or dynamic instructional text.

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Special UserToEmail (User x) Text Returns the user's e-mail address. This function won't work for users who have hidden their e-mail address. UserToEmail([Last Modified By]) returns the email address of the QuickBase user who last modified a record. Display Reference More examples

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Report Name *
Reports and Charts Panel
Each table has a panel listing its reports and charts, organized in groups.
This report will be listed only for you, in the group Mine.
Only you can see the report in the panel. You can't ever list it for other users. You can still let others open it by sending them links.
Please wait while your new report is saved...
Field label
Column heading override
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Fields in:

Fields to Extract:

Name for the new table:
Items in the new table are called:

When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

Read more about converting a column into a table.

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